Latest position:
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44° 50.5' N
13° 50.5' O
Veruda Marina, Pula, Kroatien
Weather report:
88 °F
Gentle breezefrom Northwest
18.03.2019 -Somewhere on the Indian Ocean

Day 4: Winds are dying...

... as is our engine battery. Why the hell is this happening? The day before yesterday our engine startet perfectly, as it did ever since we started our voyage back in Europe.

Already during the day winds decreased continuously until we found ourselves in a dead clam tonight. We have been warned that winds in the Arabic Sea are getting fickle towards April and May. Calms are typical for the transition time between the NE and SW monsoon. This was the main reason why we startet from Malaysia in a rush and skipped the desired visit in Thailand all together. Already back in Indonesia we have given up our long term sailing goal to cover at least 90% of the way while sailing and made sure Moya’s fuel tank is always close to full.

What we now needed was our engine Henry to run, but when Christian was turning the keys the starter only coughed in slow motion. Finally Henry started, but the battery voltage dropped below 9V. Probably an electrical short occurred in one of the cells caused by over the years settling lead sulfate. Apparently the battery dies quickly. It couldn’t have a better timing as in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Currently, the captain is studying plans of our cable system figuring out how to connect one of our service batteries to the engine starter. Those have been renewed last year.

The slightest breeze settled in during the night, thus we are sailing again at a snail’s pace.

This post has2comments.
Comment fromChristina | serenity sailing
Oh shit!!! Was ein Timing! Ich schicke euch per Luftpost Batterie- und Reparatur-Energie. ;-)
Comment fromDody
Verflixte Batterien!!! Bei mir sterben sie immer puentlich im Monat nachdem die Garantiezeit abgelaufen ist. Weil ich mir meine Cruising-Plaene nicht vom timing meiner Batterien vorschreiben lassen wollte hab' ich auf hochwertigere AGM und weiss ich was umgestellt. Das einzige was sich veraendert hat war dass ich damit 5 Jahre Garantie hatte und sie eventuell 2 Monate nach Ablauf der Garantie-Zeit von 5 Jahren noch gut waren. Und dann ... genauso Tot. Big hugs x