Latest position:
(show on map)

44° 50.5' N
13° 50.5' O
Veruda Marina, Pula, Kroatien
Weather report:
88 °F
Gentle breezefrom Northwest
16.03.2019 -Somewhere on the Indian Ocean

Day 2: Blue skies, blue sea

Clear skies, the sun is burning. Temperatures of 31°C on board. Nevertheless I feel comfortable, as yesterday’s light breeze is still blowing. Seas are calm and Moya makes her way towards the setting sun.

We finalised our emergency plans and pin them in the cockpit and on the navigation table. Plans we think we’ll never use, but it’s good to know they exist. We considered different scenarios and came up with a list of actions for each. Primarily the aim is to closer investigate the sighting or approach of unknown vessels and inform the watchkeepers of the patrolling military in the golf of Aden about the events in our proximity, vital for any prophylactic support. But the lists has different items also.

Christian is currently updating our position and sends it to the watchkeepers as every day. Other than that our passage is uneventful so far, we even see no freighter or catch any fish.

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