27.03.2019 -Somewhere on the Arabian Sea
Day 13: Time annihilation
Some of you wanted to know, how we organise our day when it’s calm. In the following, our schedule of the last 24hrs:
- 12:00 Uhr: We are changing our sail configuration from main sail and genoa to spi and genoa, hoping to catch the last bit of breeze.
- 12:45 Uhr: The calm weather is ideal to clean the boat. I’m cleaning the cabins shoo driving the kids. At some point Joshua decided to create a treasure hunt for Christian, who is uploading the current log file and downloading the latest weather forecast.
- 14:00 Uhr: Time for preschool. The boys are playing with numbers in english.
- 14:50 Uhr: “I’m hungry!” announces Joni. We forgot lunch all together. Quickly, I make french toast from our old bread.
- 16:30 Uhr: Post Lunch is prior to dinner. I bake Rotis. Christian is finishing reading „Emil und die Detektive“ to the kids. Thereafter, they disassemble Moya.
- 17:10 Uhr: No more breeze, we are motering. I prepare Falafel. It takes some time, as I need to make the chickpea flour from peas. The kids are listening to an audiobook and finally clear away today’s chaos. The captain starts the water maker and is filling water bottles.
- 18:30 Uhr: Dinner, washing the dishes, showering, brushing teeth, pulling in the fishing line.
- 20:05 Uhr: The Kids made it to their berths - puh, in the evenings they can be exhausting. Christian and I are watching a crime thriller with breaks for watches every 15 minutes.
- 21:40 Uhr: Our water tanks are full. The night is pitch black. The moon was not rising, yet. No stars tonight. But the water is glowing green at Moyas’ bow. The glowing also continues on her side, looking like polar lights in the water. Now and then a fish quickly fleas with a green tail. Also Moya pulls a long, shining comets tail. The glowing eventually is so bright that I’m taking photos in the dark. Once more, we are totally exited about nature’s wonders. Much too late Christian falls into his berth.
- 0:20 Uhr: 5 knots of wind. We are changing the sail configuration again not wanting to go by spi during the night. At least, we are going 3 knots.
- 3:15 Uhr: I make it from my berth to the cockpit. Looking around every 15 minutes.
- 5:30 Uhr: The sun will be rising soon. It’s dawn already. I’m waking Christian for the morning watch.
- 6:00 Uhr: Joni joins me in my berth.
- 8:15 Uhr: Breakfast. Our position has already been sent by email to the watchkeepers.
- 8:55 Uhr: Winds vanished again. We are starting the engine. The boys are playing Lego and sprint through the boat.
- 10:10 Uhr: Bathing time. Zero wind. We are leaving the main up. Putting just a line for security in the water and an adult on board. Other than that, it’s just us, 2000 meters of water and a beautifully flat ocean. The kids love it.
- 11:00 Uhr: Showering & motoring.
- 11:20 Uhr: We are playing Who is Who and Memory and preparing the dough for the bread backing this afternoon.
- 12:00 Uhr: The boys glue sticks together forming a turtle and paint it. Together, we’ll learn that there is 341 different kind of turtles. That turtles have an amazing sight far better than humans. That the biggest species the leather turtle gets as big as 2.5m and 900kg and the Aldabra giant turtle up to 250 years old. And some more amazing turtle facts.
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