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44° 50.5' N
13° 50.5' O
Veruda Marina, Pula, Kroatien
Weather report:
88 °F
Gentle breezefrom Northwest
25.03.2019 -Somewhere on the Arabian Sea

Day 11: Socotra on the left

Soccotra is an island located 150 nautical miles off Somalias coast. Despite the proximity, the island belongs to Yemen and currently is administered by the United Arabic Emirates. As the civil war has not been reaching the desert island, as the passage to the red sea is long and since Soccotra is known as the Galapagos of the Indian Oceans, we strongly considered visiting. Currently, there barely is another option to visit this amazing island, as no secure flight connections exist. The island is endemic to many plant and animal species. For example, 90% of Soccotras reptiles are living nowhere else. Especially the pictures of the dragon blood trees and bottle trees growing just on the island have been very impressive.

Nevertheless, we finally decided against visiting. Why? - Well, the fees are significant. Alone the visa for a short visit would have been charged with 600 USD. But more importantly, we wouldn’t have been allowed to go ashore without a guide. Despite all of that, we were still considering, the final impulse gave - as always - the wind. The forecast predicts easterly winds in the Golf of Aden for the next week, which is not set so late in season. We are continuing our passage hoping that the forecast holds true.

Whether we actually will make it straight to the Red Sea to Eritrea is still uncertain, as winds at the narrow entry point Bab el Mandeb are strong and constantly shifting form northerly to southerly winds. We would need the wind behind the beam or no wind to go ahead. Alternatively we have to approach Djibuti. At least 850 miles are still lying ahead of us.

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