Latest position:
(show on map)

44° 50.5' N
13° 50.5' O
Veruda Marina, Pula, Kroatien
Weather report:
88 °F
Gentle breezefrom Northwest
21.03.2019 -Somewhere on the Indian Ocean

Day 7: Full moon

Tonight the night was almost as bright as a cloudy day in Winter in Germany. The moon accompanied us during the night. In such nights nightswatches are easier. Instead of the pitschblack night, I could see the moons reflection in the sea, the clouds and the horizon. Our cruising timing appears quite fine at the moment. From now on the moon is melting away and only rises in the early morning in its last quarter. If we switch off our navigation lights, we would be invisible for the good part of the night. During that time we will cross the Golf of Aden, when our speed is not drastically increasing. Good to know, that we could merge with the night, if we wanted. However, we don’t plan for it, as to our knowledge pirate attacks during the night never occurred, even not on freighters.

Our engine is working again. The starter battery has arrived in Nirvana and one of our service batteries is now connected to the starter. The process of reconnecting was surprisingly smooth, mission accomplished after 30 minutes.

We continue slowly our way to the west. Winds shifted to the east and remain very light, always below 10 kts. Patience is not my strength and it’s being tested. On the positive side, we also almost have no swells, making Moya behave as if anchoring under blue skies, no cloud in sight.

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